Some of our favorite tracks over the past year

Ben Frost -
The Centre Cannot Hold

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At first, we imagined this being the soundtrack for some horrific futuristic invasion. Who are we kidding, we still do. Huge bass drops followed by a sharp metallic elongated sting. Sounds like a laser from War of the Worlds. Its strength intensifies but also fades out as the track progresses. Threshold of Faith begins to expand pass its brutality through bass tones and new sharp melodies. The track is almost updating its story after halfway through. After the power, comes the emotion. Yes, these melodies make you feel, especially in collaboration when the bass drops are brought back in. It's a lengthy cold event, but rewarding to learn its history.

1. Threshold of Faith
2. A Sharp Blow In Passing
3. Trauma Theory
4. A Single Hellfire Missile Costs $100,000 USD
5. Eurydice's Heel
6. Meg Ryan Eyez
7. Ionia
8. Healthcare
9. All That You Love Will Be Eviscerated
10. Entropy in Blue

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Lanark Artefax -
Whities 011

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Voices Near the Hypocentre is a tale based upon ideas of cult storm chasers. For us, it goes much further than that. This track is an excerpt from an unbelievable event if anything. Quite possibly the track of the year for West Entropic, it unfolds with constant beauty and stiffens back together with glassy futuristic noises and percussion. It's like staring up into the eye of the storm, filled with colors and light that can't be understood.

1. Flickering Debris
2. Touch Absence
3. Hyphen To Splice
4. Voices Near The Hypocentre

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Claude Speeed -
Infinity Ultra

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The future or 90's future? We love this track, mainly because it sounds like it belongs in a early 90's video game, maybe even further back! It's incredible that this sound is becoming popular in 2017, thanks to Claude Speeed. Underground trends are nearly impossible to predict. Infinity Ultra expands on this idea and powerful feeling of nostalgia. Who knew the future sound would be from the past?

1. Bcccc
2. Serra
3. Windows 95
4. Ambien Rave
5. Alternate Histories (ft. Kuedo)
6. Moonchord Supermagic
7. 800 Super NYC
8. XY Autostream
9. Fifth Fortress
10. VZJD
11. Entering The Zone
12. Center Tech
13. Spirits
14. Contact
15. Dreamdream

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v1984 -

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v1984's ability to layer the most random sounds to create something original will always surprise us. SPfiNAL TAP re-JUVENescence has beautiful melodies that swim in and out of insane effects and sound design. Sounding like something that is inspired from Kuedo, v1984 takes dives into areas Kuedo wouldn't dare and succeeds easily. Quite the intro track for an excellent new EP.

1. SPfiNAL TAP re-JUVENescence
2. Too Much
3. False Awakenings
4. Aria of Dawn
5. beauty // IT5INYR-H3D

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